GOAT YOGA ... Yeah you heard me!

If you have known me for 5 minutes, you probably know I love goats. Like, I LOOVE  them. I almost bought one on Craigslist in 2007 for $45 without telling my husband because I wanted him so bad. I regret everyday of my life for not buying a goat painting in Ruidoso, NM last fall because I think about how great it would have looked in my bathroom. I stay up late at night watching goat videos in my bed because O.M.G they are so cute. And when I was pregnant with my oldest son Levi, I had a dream I gave birth to a teeny tiny little grey goat named Morris, and was EXTREMELY disappointed when I woke up that I wasn't actually going to give birth to a goat (side note- weird pregnancy dreams are TOOOOTALLY normal, so that makes it totally ok and not weird at all, right? Right.). SO, when I say that I LOVE goats, I mean that with all of my being.


Can you even imagine my TOTAL FREAKING OUT when I saw this article!!??! GOAT YOGA!?? West Texas, you better believe that I am emailing about franchise opportunities. If there is one thing I am going to do in my life- it is GOAT. FREAKING. YOGA.


What do you think!!?? Would you do it?? Would you give it a try if you had the opportunity?? I wanna know!!