The Vision Behind Darby Walker Fitness


It all started October 2014...

when another friend/personal trainer, suggested that I host a Bootcamp for about 10 people in a nearby neighborhood park. It had never crossed my mind to even ATTEMPT leading a Bootcamp. After a few weeks of talking myself into it, and then out of it again, I worked up enough courage to post on Facebook that I was offering a bootcamp for 10 people and held my breath. Within two hours, every spot was filled! And then some. I could NOT believe it.

Sometimes you just have to chase the wild and crazy ideas when God gives you that nudge! Now, over 2 years later, I have gone from holding 12 classes per month, to instructing close to 50 classes per month. Everyday I get to build relationships with so many different people I never would have otherwise met. My hopes are that I am impacting their lives for the better- physically, mentally and eternally.

My goal in any setting, whether it be Bootcamp or in One-on-One Personal Training, is to create confidence within the women I work with. There are so many things in this life that we will never have control over. Ever. But one of the few things we have a say in is how we take care of our bodies. For most women, the way we take care of our bodies directly impacts how involved we are with our own lives. Feeling insecure in your own skin keeps you from participating. From physical activities to serving others to being in a crowd of people to being silly with your kids in a swimming pool. Insecurity can talk you out of doing just about anything. But when you have someone come along side you, cheering you on, giving you the tools you need to make a change and you start seeing results, confidence is a natural result! When you start feeling confident, even in the smallest of things, your outlook changes!