Twenty - 17 : Good For My Heart

Hey, Hey you guys!! I can not tell you how excited I have been to see your response to the new website! I hope that you find it easy to navigate through, informative and simple. I love, love, LOVE IT. The purpose behind it is just to keep yʼall informed of whats going on at DWF and to hopefully bring you FUN blogs that you enjoy reading and find helpful! So with that being said, if there is a topic you would like to see covered, let me know! I am all ears!

With the start of a new year, most people start to reevaluate things in their lives, whether they end up making a resolution or not. Some people reevaluate their finances, or their job, or the direction their lives are going, but most people make SOME kind of fitness/health related decision. Maybe its giving up cokes, maybe its working out more, maybe its to quit smoking, or maybe its all of the above for the SUPER ambitious ;). No matter what your wanting to change in your life, without a plan in place you will more than likely give up and slide right back into old habits within the first 30 days. Super encouraging right?? HA! So what do we do to ACTUALLY make a change, or see progress??

Recently in a group I am a part of, we have been talking about having HUGE goals and finding a way to reach those without becoming completely overwhelmed, and I think this applies to almost any area of our lives. Start with your HUGE goal. Like, make it so big and so crazy that you even might think could never accomplish it. Once you have that goal, break it up into smaller time frames. So, for example, say you have a goal to lose 50 pounds in one year. Now that you have that goal, break that 50 pounds up over 12 months. That puts you at losing 4 pounds a month. Or one pound a week. Not so unreasonable now, right?? So how do you lose one pound a week? Start making changes every day (see? still breaking up that goal!) like adding more protein to your diet for the first month and upping your water intake. Maybe in month 2, you keep doing your goals from month 1, but you also start adding in some exercise - 30 minutes a day. And so on. So that huge goal you had at the beginning of the year is now divided up into smaller, measurable goals that you CAN do everyday! Bottom line - MAKE A SPECIFIC PLAN!

I tell ya what. 2016 was a busy year with DWF. I loved every second of it, but a lot of times felt like I was treading water to keep my head up above the wave. What is crazy is that a lot of times as a personal trainer, you still tend to put your health on the back burner to help other people, because I LOVE WHAT I DO. I wouldnʼt trade this for any job in the entire world!! But having the fresh start to 2017 was good for my heart. I am so excited about what is in store for this year - personally and in my business. So hereʼs to 2017 you guys. Lets just make it freaking incredible! 

- Darby